Thursday, September 17, 2015

Comic Photo Interpretation

Well, well, here we go again. I am glad you could join me again on another controversial topic. We have discussed so much about image but have not taken the time to look at photos very closely. I chose this one for specific reasons besides the clear message but also the details of the photo and how they capture our attention. To begin lets talk about the picture itself and what it does visually. In "Picture This" by Molly Bang she describes in detail the emotional impact line, color, space, position,size and details have on us using a objects, in this photo we will take into account her interpretation of color, space and size. This comic book was written circa World War II. Even though in modern day colors are more vibrant do not take away from the impact some of these colors have. The color red according to Molly Bang produces a very strong passion and anger in our heart. All the letters in the title page are red, you automatically associate them with each other and they are one of the first things you notice in the book. Besides giving you a clear concept of the issue, the title with the work of the color also ignited the small fire and anger that Americans had at the moment towards the Japanese. The space between the audience and the heroes is not visible but you can feel it. Curiously, enough you can even feel the tension of the crowd, the small hands sticking out with no bodies give us that image of a larger crowd, eager to get their bond. Now it's time to think about size. Size plays a vital role, according to Molly Bang size and space work in hand. An object can be big but depending on the space, it can minimize the impact. In this photo we have the heroes standing out dead in the center. This is obviously one of the main focuses and hints at what the heroes are going to do about the war. Their grandeur can obviously imply their strength and power but the space between them and the audience hints at an immense level of honest intentions and good deeds rather than trying to have a showcase of power. It shows integrity and community service. This photo is really influential and at the time I'm sure had a great impact on the reader. All of these factors together on the cover page had enough power to influence you to go out and buy a bond. To get into details of it's message in our modern day is to obviously call plain racism. But America was low on resources and a War is expensive. This was obviously a strategic propaganda move and should be taken as such. We should not begin to point fingers, remember if someone bombs your backyard no matter who it was, you would be furious. The American's lost family members and at the time, they were just mad and maybe a little ignorant but it probably was not flat out racism. For example if I were to tell you Hitler is an "German Pig" you probably would not agree with me that I was correct in using German because in a sense it generalizes Germans and is pretty racist. But you would not be as furious because Hitler's actions outfit weigh anything you could call him. This was the same tone that was circling around this era towards our enemies in World War II. Thanks again for analyzing this photo with me and it's effect it has on someone reading this cover page.

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