Thursday, September 17, 2015

Visual Analysis

      Hey guys, in my earlier posts I have discussed how comic books are mostly white dominated and how they weren't really diverse when they first were released which was in the 1940's. One of my reasoning as to why comic books weren't diverse was because during that time period Blacks weren't considered as upper class in society like Whites were. Realizing this and seeing that comic books were also used as propaganda for the army we can see why the authors would target whites seeing that they would be the ones who would be buying their books. 


        In the picture above of a cover of a comic book we see Superman fighting Hitler and one of his soldier. Seeing the expressions of the two victims faces that he is holding we can come to a conclusion that he is winning the fight. The person on his right has his hands motioned frantically indicting that he is very scared. Although we can only partially see Hitler's face on his right we can still see he is scared beyond his wits by superman just by seeing that his hat flew off his head. 

      Superman is up in the sky which makes us look at him as this mighty superhero. Even though Superman is in the clouds we can still see him having a firm stance as if he was firmly standing on ground and this is because the artist added a curved line for superman to stand on which gives the illusion that he is standing on land and not thousands of feet in the air.

      In the book, "Picture This", by Molly Bang she explains that when objects are larger they feel more frightening. We can see this to be true when we see the size of superman compared to Hitler and his soldier. Superman is almost doubled their size which makes him appear more intimidating than the other two people. 

     Just by looking at this image we can also see that Superman is the main focus because he is in the center. Everything else is just revolving around him. Superman is also drawn with very sharp lines which make him look very muscular. 

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